Aico RadioLINK Alarms and bases: doing the House-Coding right (Aico Tips)
These tips are ideal for the contractor who purchases the Aico Fire Alarms with RadioLINK integrated and is installing them, maintaining them, and testing them. Also, anyone who wants to know more about the Aico Fire Alarms and the innovative RadioLINK technology (wirelessly interconnecting the fire alarms in the building) will also find these tips very useful. Remember: the RadioLINK Alarms need to be coded together! There is always a chance that the house next door would also use the RadioLINK system and you don't want to trigger their alarm off whenever yours is! Please find below the tips and advices from Aico - via How Do I Test / Commission? RadioLINK Alarms / Bases - doing the House-Coding right! The RadioLINK units interconnect with each other using Radio-frequency signals - so no interconnect wiring is needed. To make sure that you don't have alarms in one house triggering the ones next door, you need to 'House-Code' the system. To do this, simply follow the steps below: Push a screwdriver into the 'House Code' slot on the side of the RadioLINK base Wait for the amber light (blue on Ei405 and Ei405TY models) on the side of the base to come on solidly. As soon as it does, pull the screwdriver out The amber light will start flashing to show it's looking for other units on the system. Repeat this process on all RadioLINK units in the system so that all amber lights are flashing Check that the number of flashes equals the number of RadioLINK units. For example, 3 units = 3 flashes, 4 units = 4 flashes etc. If the number of flashes is ok it shows they have all House-Coded together. Complete the coding by pushing a screwdriver into the 'House-Code' slot on the side of any one of the RadioLINK bases in the system. Wait for the amber light to come on solidly. As soon as it does, pull the screwdriver out. This will send a RadioLINK signal out to 'seal' the system. To show they have 'sealed', the amber lights will stop flashing on all other bases The alarms/bases have now been House-Coded. Soon we will post more information on how to test the alarms as per the 'RadioLINK Alarms/Bases - Testing' section at, How Do I Test / Commission section on the Aico website.Best RadioLINK Alarms