Test-it Tuesday: Check your Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Alarms today!
Every Tuesday there's a great reminder hashtag via Twitter, which is #TestitTuesday. From the different local fire departments to the responsible electricians and the Electrical Safety First, everyone reminds you: test your fire alarm, smoke alarm, or Carbon Monoxide alarm! We all follow quite a wide range of people on twitter or on Facebook, but what is warmly recommended is to follow your local police department, your local fire department, and the Electrical Safety First, all of which inform you of emergency and useful information you need to know. A regular testing of your alarm or those of family and friends will provide you with the peace of mind that, should a fire start, you will be warned ahead of time and you can escape. This is the basic idea behind the #TestitTuesday, and every Tuesday we test the alarms and we spread the word! Test-it Tuesday - It's time to Check your Smoke Alarms! It only takes a minute (or less) to test your smoke alarm, fire alarm, or carbon monoxide alarm: you simply have to press the button on the surface of the alarm for peace of mind! Most smoke alarms and CO alarms come with a 10-year battery backup, and it will take quite a while until these need to be changed; what is needed, though is the periodical testing of the alarm to make sure it works. It is good to test your Carbon Monoxide alarm and Smoke alarm today, for the working alarms can save lives - and the life they could save can be your own! Simply by pushing the button on the smoke alarm could double your chances of survival, and it is recommended to do it every week. Since today is Tuesday - why not make it #TestitTuesday and test your alarm today! If the smoke alarm works, it saves lives; but if it doesn't work, lives may be in danger.Buy Aico Firee Alarms at Sparks How do I Test my Alarms? Advice from Aico A very frequently asked question is, I want to test my alarm, but how do I do it? Aico has a very helpful video explaining what needs to be done when you test your smoke alarm or CO alarm. Simply put, you can press the button in the middle for 10 seconds with your finger, or if you have an alarm controller, you can press the Test button. Similarly, you can test your alarms via the Aico Ei529RC/Ei410 fire alarm control switch by pressing the appropriate button. Tips for Testing the Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Every smoke alarm, fire alarm, and CO alarm has to be tested regularly to make sure they work properly. There has to be a working smoke alarm on every level in the house. Don't put it off: why not setting up a reminder on your phone that, when you know you're home, you test your alarm - and do it #TestitTuesday Be safe when you test the alarm: make sure you use a solid ladder or chair to reach the smoke alarm or CO alarm and test it. A smoke alarm will alert you at the earliest stage of a fire, giving you vital extra time to escape. Make sure you have one fitted on every floor of your home and test it every Tuesday! A carbon monoxide alarm will detect the colorless, odorless, and tasteless CO that may leak, and it will let you know when there's a risk. Test your CO alarm weekly! Clean the CO alarm / smoke alarm by gently wiping them with a cloth or with a soft vacuum brush, as dust can clog the alarms. Better safe than sorry! TestitTuesday for your elderly relatives or friends: why not make sure that they are safe too? If you don't have a smoke alarm, we recommend the RadioLINK enabled Aico smoke alarms which can wirelessly interconnect with similar alarms around the house. Find them here. What is a Carbon Monoxide alarm, what is Carbon Monoxide, and how can we get one? - read here more. Photo credit: ElecSafetyFirst here.