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Applications of the Illuma Rocket and the 1-circuit track in a store, highlighting and display lighting

  2010-01-30         admin         Product News » Designer Lighting News
It's time for Illuma Rocket and the 1-circuit Track Lights to be presented - besides the Compact Spotlights(Illuma Rocket) for Track Lighting article - below. We compiled some of the most colourful yet pleasant-to-the-sight pictures of how people used the Illuma Rocket and the 1-circuit track lights in highlighting the store so that the main features of the products displayed would be emphasized. Well, see for yourself the examples below:

Illuma Rocket and Illuma 1-circuit Track Lights applications in display lighting

And if you want to purchase these Rocket spotlights for the 1-circuit tracks online - visit the Illuma Track Lights section at Track & Spots category.