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Emergency Lighting Design tips and Emergency Lights positioning / details, part 2

  2010-07-14         admin         Advice » Lighting Design Advice
Continuing the series of picture-tips of where to site the Emergency Lighting Systems in the buildings / homes / venues - here is the second part of this article(you can read the first part here). All the contractors and installers know these basic rules, and now here they are also online for everyone's knowledge - this information might be useful to you when you try to find out where do you need to site your emergency light fitting by the escalator, the final exit, by the stairway, on the corridor, in the alarm areas, in the toilet, by the escalator, by the lifts or elevators, in hazardous areas, in the open areas, in the control rooms, etc. Read the first part of this article here.

Emergency Lighting Design Tips (2)

Left: Emergency Lights by the final exits: Install externally within 2 metres horizontal distance of the final exits. Right: Emergency Lights in the Alarm Areas: Install within 2 metres horizontal distance of the fire alarms, the fire lighting equipment and the first aid points.

Left: Emergency Lights by the Escalators: The escalators require illumination in order to protect users when the mains supply fails. These must not be used as an escape route. Right: Emergency Lights in the Toilets: Install in toilets that are larger than 8 square metres or where there is no natural light.

Left: Emergency Lights by the Lifts / Elevators: Install the emergency illumination in all the lifts. Right: Emergency Lights in the Control Rooms: Install emergency lighting in control / plant rooms for safety or essential services.

Left: Emergency Lights in the Open Areas: Install in rooms with a particular hazard or in those larger than 60 square metres with an escape route passing through. Right: Emergency Lights in Hazardous Areas: High risk areas should be lit to 20% of the normal lighting level or 15Lux, whichever is greater.

Read the first part of this article - Emergency Lighting Design tips(part 1), or purchase the Emergency Lights via SparksDirect - Fire and Security items.