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Expand the possibilities of your Grafik 3000 dimming system with auxilliary items

  2009-10-14         admin         Product News » Dimming Systems News
The dimming systems are not just for energy saving or controlling of the light level, but even more - for creating the mood and atmosphere you desire in the respective venue / room / office. The secret to this is the ability to control the lighting level. If you have some activities /meetings / gatherings that need a certain atmosphere, you can either use the preset scenes within the Lutron Grafik 3000 system or invent one + save it as a custom scene! Also, you can even expand the possibilities of your Lutron Grafik 3000 system - by using all sorts of available accessories and auxiliary devices, like: the ceiling mounted photosensor, the infrared remote control, the touchscreen, the DMX integration, the seeTouch wallstation, the PRG interface, the AV interface, and the partition control.

Expand the possibilities of your dimming system

Ceiling-Mounted Photosensor

Daylight control / energy savings
  • Select preset scenes automatically in response to ambient daylight to achieve optimal light levels and energy savings.
  • Best suited for areas with large windows or skylights, such as atriums, perimeter office spaces, malls, and classrooms.

Infrared Remote Control

Wireless Control

  • Add control flexibility in a space from an Infrared Wireless Remote Control.
  • Ideal for lecture halls, conference rooms, and home cinemas.

Buy online accessories for the Lutron Grafik Eye 3000

RS232 Interface

Touchschreen / centralized control
  • Integrate GRAFIK 3000 Series with user-supplied PC or digital AV equipment for seamless one-touch control.
  • Select preset light scenes, dim or brighten lights, monitor system status, and receive button feedback.
  • Ideal for conference rooms, home cinemas and video conferencing rooms.
Buy online accessories for the Lutron Grafik 3000(Touchscreen, etc)

DMX512 Interface

DMX integration

  • Control DMX, fiber optic, and LED fixtures when these fixtures are incorporated in an architectural lighting plan.

Buy online accessories for the Lutron Grafik 3000(DMX interface, etc)

seeTouch Wallstation

Back Lit, Engraved Wallstations
  • Large buttons and a variety of engraving options—including backlit characters—in Lutron’s seeTouch™ series of controls offers easy-to-use functionality and additional control points in a space.
  • Ideal for darkened rooms such as AV presentation rooms and home cinemas.
Buy online accessories for the Lutron Grafik 3000(seeTouch, etc)

PRG Interface

Time Scheduling

  • Turn lights on and off automatically based on a user-defined schedule.
  • Base events on time-of day or on sunrise and sunset. Ideal for office spaces, restaurants, retail spaces, and hotels.

Buy online accessories for the Lutron Grafik 3000(PRG interface, etc)

AV Interface

  • Create dynamic lighting effects by continuously cycling preset lighting scenes automatically.
  • Ideal for retail displays, store front windows, landscape lighting, artwork lighting, and museum exhibit lighting.
Buy online accessories for the Lutron Grafik 3000(AV interface, etc)

Partition Control


  • Adapt lighting controls to coordinate with the status of moveable partition walls.
  • Operate controls in each “room” independently when walls are closed or together when walls are open.
  • Ideal for hotels, convention centers, ballrooms, and meeting rooms.

Buy online accessories for the Lutron Grafik 3000(Partitioning, etc)

Remember: you can purchase most of these accessories for expanding your Lutron Grafik System - via SparksDirect, Dimming Systems, Lutron Dimmers, Lutron Grafik 3000 series. And if you don't find them on our website, send us an email - we can get them to you!