This article is the first part of the Illustrated Tips for Saving the Energy and Avoiding the Electrical Hazards at home.
It follows the article entitled, Top Tips to Reduce Electrical Accidents and Injuries at Home (Home, Safe Home! via ESC) - and it will be followed with the second part of the Illustrated guide.
Indeed, the people at ESF have put online this great guide to home energy saving + avoiding electrical hazards.
In the picture below (click to enlarge) you will see a series of tips related to specific rooms and electrical devices in the home.
Illustrated Tips for Avoiding Electrical Hazards and Energy Saving at Home(part one)
- Never retrieve toast stuck in a toaster whilst it is plugged in, and especially not with a metal knife – there are often live parts inside!
- GREEN - Energy Saving Tip - Britons waste the equivalent of around two power stations’ worth of electricity each year by leaving TV sets and other gadgets on standby. You could save up to 10% off your yearly electricity bill.
- Beware the iron flex! Not only is it a classic trip hazard, it also shouldn’t be wrapped around a still-warm iron. Like a kettle, the steam iron should never be filled whilst it is still plugged in.
- ‘It’s ok dear, I’ll just change this 60 Watt bulb for a 100 Watt version!’ Using a bulb with a higher wattage than allowed by the fitting can cause overheating. In exceptional circumstances, the lampshade or lampholder may overheat and start a fire.
- GREEN - Energy Saving Tip - Consider using an energy-efficient bulb in its place. They last up to 12 times longer and save on electricity.
- Changing the belt on a vacuum cleaner is just another one of those annoying jobs that happen when you least need it. But unless you remember to unplug the appliance and allow it to cool before you attempt even simple maintenance you risk injury from electric shock, burns, and mechanical movement.