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Introducing the Hager Surface Mounted Consumer Units, Hager Domestic CU

  2010-04-26         admin         Product News » Consumer Units News
The Domestic Hager consumer units have been designed to fit in today’s home environment. Whether used to house electrical distribution or smart control devices, the units colour and form have been designed to complement and integrate into its surroundings. The Hager consumer unit was developed with a strong aesthetic design in anticipation of Part M of the building regulations in addition to integrating other unique features as a result of feedback from homeowners, electrical contractors and house builders.

With pre-configured and configurable variants available, choice comes as standard. A full metal DIN rail allows devices to be fixed securely and a snap-able busbar allows contractors to choose the configuration. The Hager MCB’s feature a DIN clip allowing devices to be removed without the need to remove the busbar from other devices.

Domestic Hager Consumer Units - Main Features

1. The Hager Consumer Units Top Wall: Removes easily to provide cable access and re-seals to IP4X using the two foam strips provided. 2. The Domestic Consumer Units From Hager, the Terminal Bars: Top mounted to allow for easy cable dressing, fully rated to 100 Amp.

3. The Hager Consumer Unit DIN Rail: Providing you with easy configuration and fitting of control devices. 4. The Domestic Consumer Units from Hager, the Integrated Spirit Level: Missing tools no more!

5. The Hager Consumer Unit's Snappable Busbar: One less tool required and quick and simple configuration. 6. The Domestic Consumer Units from Hager - Plenty of Space: Best in class cabling space, top side and back.

7. The Domestic Consumer Units from Hager, the Cutouts: The rear cutouts are optimised for their size and position allowing you to keep the final installation neat and tidy. Right: the Hager Consumer Units Accessories - A full range of accessories available including this quick fit meter tail kit.

These main features are as introduced by Hager on their website at the Surface Consumer Units Hager page; to purchase the Hager Domestic Consumer Units, visit their dedicated category + the 17th Edition Hager Domestic Consumer units. Read more about the Surface mounted Hager consumer units, energy distribution to fit the home environment.