With pre-configured and configurable variants available, choice comes as standard. A full metal DIN rail allows devices to be fixed securely and a snap-able busbar allows contractors to choose the configuration. The Hager MCB’s feature a DIN clip allowing devices to be removed without the need to remove the busbar from other devices.
Domestic Hager Consumer Units - Main Features
1. The Hager Consumer Units Top Wall: Removes easily to provide cable access and re-seals to IP4X using the two foam strips provided. 2. The Domestic Consumer Units From Hager, the Terminal Bars: Top mounted to allow for easy cable dressing, fully rated to 100 Amp. 3. The Hager Consumer Unit DIN Rail: Providing you with easy configuration and fitting of control devices. 4. The Domestic Consumer Units from Hager, the Integrated Spirit Level: Missing tools no more! 5. The Hager Consumer Unit's Snappable Busbar: One less tool required and quick and simple configuration. 6. The Domestic Consumer Units from Hager - Plenty of Space: Best in class cabling space, top side and back. 7. The Domestic Consumer Units from Hager, the Cutouts: The rear cutouts are optimised for their size and position allowing you to keep the final installation neat and tidy. Right: the Hager Consumer Units Accessories - A full range of accessories available including this quick fit meter tail kit.These main features are as introduced by Hager on their website at the Surface Consumer Units Hager page; to purchase the Hager Domestic Consumer Units, visit their dedicated category + the 17th Edition Hager Domestic Consumer units. Read more about the Surface mounted Hager consumer units, energy distribution to fit the home environment.