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invisible plate switches, dimmers and sockets from Forbes & Lomax, pictures

  2009-03-18         admin         Product News » Switches and Sockets News
In a previous article we were introducing the Invisible Plate from Forbes and Lomax(switches, sockets, dimmers, etc). Below we have selected some of the most popular models of the invisible plate switches, invisible plate dimmers and invisible plate sockets from Forbes & Lomax - with their pictures. To purchase them online, visit the Forbes and Lomax section in our website. Forbes & Lomax - invisible plate dimmers, switches and sockets: Invisible Button Dimmer and 1G intermediate rocker switch Forbes and Lomax - invisible plate dimmers, switches and sockets: Architrave dolly switch and rotary dimmer Forbes & Lomax - invisible plate dimmers, switches and sockets Invisible plate Black Rocker switch and Lightswitch Forbes and Lomax - invisible plate dimmers, switches and sockets: 13A switched single socket and 16A french socket Forbes & Lomax - invisible plate dimmers, switches and sockets: Vertical switch and 1G 2way dolly switch Forbes and Lomax - invisible plate dimmers, switches and sockets - Dimming system To purchase the Forbes and Lomax range of Switches, Sockets or Dimmers, visit the Switches and Sockets, Metal Finish, Flat plate, Forbes & Lomax. Read more technical and descriptive details about the Switches, Sockets and Dimmer(invisible plate) from Forbes and Lomax (read the article introducing all the ranges from Forbes and Lomax).