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let it rain - it is good for business! Rainy days are profitable :)

let it rain - it is good for business! Rainy days are profitable :)

  2012-04-26         sparksdirect         Sparks Direct News » Customer Service

These past few days we had plenty of rain - at least up here in North London - and, even though we didn't really prefer such a weather, "it was good for the business"!

Strangely enough, according to our observation, when it rains outside people are more eager to shop online and think of the switches, sockets, or other electrical items they may need!

A few weeks ago we were a bit disappointed when - in spite of the lovely weather outside with the sun shining and the cool breeze - the online orders went down drastically and people preferred the park to the Sparks and Lights showroom.

We can't really blame the weather or take the weather as our helper, but you can say that when it rains, it is good for business!

Rainy days are profitable!

Don't take this the wrong way, we LOVE the sun, we love the nice weather, and we are looking forward to the summer.

But based on some recent development of events - both in our company and in some other companies we know - it appears that rainy days are profitable for business!

Here are some observations on this topic:

  • when it rains, there are more online orders; when the sun is out, people "forget about online" and enjoy the sunlight.
  • On a rainy day we have more people coming into the showroom in Archway - at least to escape the rain and to warm up a little. Here they get the advice they need from our consultants over the counter.
  • when the sun is out, we "hate it being indoors" - it is so much better to be outside, enjoy the nature... at least having lunch out in the back yard or in the park :) Though the online orders may decrease during this time, we are still open as usual and our online store is working normally :)
In conclusion - if there is any conclusion to this - sometimes we need to look at the bright side of life, even when it rains! It is raining - enjoy doing something indoors! The sun is out - take a walk in the park and enjoy the nature!

As a FUN FACT: Follow us on Pinterest, especially the following boards with nice pictures pinned from our website and our friends like, Stylish light fittings at Sparks, Switches and Sockets, Electrical Safety and Security, Cool from our Friends, For the home, and Energy Saving Devices. 

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