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Most Frequently Asked Questions about the Armeg Electrical Box Sinkers

Most Frequently Asked Questions about the Armeg Electrical Box Sinkers

  2011-07-14         sparksdirect         Advice » Electrical Items Advice

You may have noticed the Electrical section on our website, especially if you're looking for tools, testers, door entry systems, lamps and tubes, consumer units, relays and contactors, aerials and amplifiers, etc.

Specifically, the section with Tools and Testers presents a particular range of Tools - besides the usual pliers, etc you can also find the drilling bits, the dry diamond core drill sets, chisels and channeling tools, the hard material box sinker chisels, etc.

Many of these are manufactured by Armeg - Innovative Drilling and Tool Solutions.

There are many questions concerning what's the best way to use these tools or to accomplish what you desire when you use them - below are some of the most asked questions concerning the Electrical Box Sinkers, compiled by Armeg under the title of,

Armeg - Frequently Asked Questions for Electrical Box Sinkers

  • First of all, how does it work?
    # Produce a 6mm pilot hole in the wall to locate the position, remove the bulk of the material with the round cutter to the required depth, then square off the hole using either the square cutter or the 80mm wide chisel, depending on the hardness of material.
  • What type of power tool do I need to use EBS?
     # You would need an SDS drill capable of rotary/impact and impact-only functions (for chiseling). Ideally, it would have an approximate weight of at least 2.3kg, a blow energy of approximately 2.4J and a loaded speed of approximately 900rpm.
  • What setting do I need my drill to be on?
    # You can use the pilot drill and round cutter on rotary/impact or rotary only. The square cutter can be used on rotary/impact or impact only. The hard material chisel can only be used on impact.
  • Which materials will EBS sets work in?
    # The pilot drill and round cutter will work in all masonry materials. The square cutter is designed for use in the softer masonry materials (medium-density concrete block, softer brick etc.). In the harder materials (e.g. Engineering brick) you would need to use the 80mm wide hard material chisel for squaring off.
  • Do I need to turn the rotation off on my drill to use the square cutter?
    # No, the square cutter has a safety mechanism built into it to stop the whole square from spinning if rotation is left on. You may find it easier, though, to square the hole up on the wall if you use your drill on impact only function.
  • How do I create a double back box hole? Either:
    # Drill two 6mm pilot holes 65mm apart, then use the round cutter twice and square off with the hard material chisel or the square cutter twice
    # Or: Use the double back box cutter spacing template to space out the pilot holes on the wall, then use the round cutter twice and square off with the rectangular double back box cutter.
  • Can I buy spares?
    # All kit components are available separately, apart from the Round Cutter with Dust Collection which is not sold as an individual part. You can even purchase replacement guide rods for the round and square cutters.
  • I have lost my pilot drill, what size is it?
    # The pilot drill is a 6 X 160mm SDS drill bit
  • Can the square cutter be re-sharpened? # Yes. You can do this with a good-quality file or a grinder. Be careful not to alter the outer dimensions too much otherwise the square hole may be too small.
You can read all these questions with their answers, together with the right answers and some guiding videos, via the Frequently Asked Questions for Electrical Box Sinkers at

Buy Armeg Electrical Box Sinkers