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SEO updates

SEO updates

Introducing the Sparks Direct Blog SEO Updates section wher we post some of the SEO updates related to our website.

Our website design went through a few iterations, our blog has improved and then moved to a different platform, and we had quite a trip. From time to time we invite you to have a sneak peek into the SEO updates on our website, SEO updates in the webmaster world, and how to improve the SEO visibility.

Also, we introduce some of the strategies for getting more followers on social media (you can follow us on twitter, facebook, instagram, and youtube).

Make sure you check out the brilliant spam comments for a laugh.

Online Reviews: a Venting Opportunity or an Appreciation of the Product or Service?

Online Reviews: a Venting Opportunity or an Appreciation of the Product or Service?

06/09/2016 sparksdirect

It used to be that simply having a website and making sure you're properly linked to from the...

What we have to say on, Increasing Sales and Revenue with Responsive Web Design

What we have to say on, Increasing Sales and Revenue with Responsive Web Design

21/02/2014 sparksdirect

Yes, you heard it right: we have something to say on the topic of increasing sales and revenue...

Having a Customer-Oriented Online Store with Electrical Items and Lights

Having a Customer-Oriented Online Store with Electrical Items and Lights

30/01/2014 sparksdirect

Creating an online store with the latest and greatest design and ecommerce software behind it is...

Sparks Electrical Embraces Mobile E-tailing (Case Study in Get Connected)

Sparks Electrical Embraces Mobile E-tailing (Case Study in Get Connected)

20/08/2013 sparksdirect

A few months ago we were announcing our new responsive website, and many of our customers and...

When Sparks Gets on the Instagram Bandwagon and Tweets their Instagrams

When Sparks Gets on the Instagram Bandwagon and Tweets their Instagrams

10/06/2013 sparksdirect

We loved twitpic, but it looks like it's gone - twitter acquired it, and now it's part of twitter!...

Do You Use your Smartphone or Tablet to Shop Online for Electrical Items?

Do You Use your Smartphone or Tablet to Shop Online for Electrical Items?

17/05/2013 sparksdirect

This blog post is a question, and we would really appreciate if we have some honest answers from...

A Brief Tour of the New Features on the Sparks Mobile-Responsive Website

A Brief Tour of the New Features on the Sparks Mobile-Responsive Website

26/04/2013 sparksdirect

For a couple of months at least for now, the Sparks Direct site was completely overhauled - in...

Early Spring Shoutout to All Our #Sparkies on Twitter #Electricians

Early Spring Shoutout to All Our #Sparkies on Twitter #Electricians

05/03/2013 sparksdirect

The spring is here! If we forget about the 2-4 degrees temperature this morning and focus on the...

Blog Comment Spam Takes User Engagement to a Totally Different Level!

Blog Comment Spam Takes User Engagement to a Totally Different Level!

13/02/2013 sparksdirect

Every website - no matter what they sell, post, or offer - wants some sort of a user engagement....

What is the One Thing You are Thankful For Today? Our Bit to #ThanksGiving

What is the One Thing You are Thankful For Today? Our Bit to #ThanksGiving

23/11/2012 sparksdirect

You may say that Thanksgiving was yesterday, November 23rd 2012, and you may also say that...

The Keywords Meta Tag: Should we Skip It Entirely or Keep it?

The Keywords Meta Tag: Should we Skip It Entirely or Keep it?

03/10/2012 sparksdirect

Everyone who has a website is continually looking for ways of improving the ranking of the site,...

learning to pin with the Pinterest Marketing for Dummies Cheatsheet

learning to pin with the Pinterest Marketing for Dummies Cheatsheet

17/09/2012 sparksdirect

Among one of the more interesting yet short articles we recently read on the social media tips, we...

So How Can You Create Effective Web Content? Top Content Creation Tips

So How Can You Create Effective Web Content? Top Content Creation Tips

29/08/2012 sparksdirect

We were reading this article via BusinessZone the other day, entitled, The secrets behind...

we're sick and tired of Appreciative Spam Comments, aren't you?

we're sick and tired of Appreciative Spam Comments, aren't you?

17/08/2012 sparksdirect

On the one hand we are sick and tired of these "appreciative spam comments" since they add no...

Smile with us while reading some spam comments of extreme appreciation

Smile with us while reading some spam comments of extreme appreciation

22/06/2012 sparksdirect

From time to time we would like to "bore you" with some of the funny spam comments people,...

Tips on using Pinterest for Business - pinning strategically!

Tips on using Pinterest for Business - pinning strategically!

18/06/2012 sparksdirect

Everyone uses Pinterest - the new social network with more than 17 million people that "pin"...

Showing 1 to 16 of 33 (3 Pages)