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the cheapest way to get more customers: the word of mouth!

the cheapest way to get more customers: the word of mouth!

  2012-05-17         sparksdirect         Sparks Direct News » Customer Service

When you have an electrical and lighting showroom that also has an online store it is not easy to see what's the best way to advertise your products.

Should you go for printed marketing materials? Should you do some promotions?

Will it work if you lower some prices for an entire popular range of products?

What about bringing in more ranges?

Advertising your business online is also tricky - yes, you can use the Google AdWords, make a nice website with proper landing pages for the desired keywords, optimize your website, etc.

You can even create a Twitter account, a Facebook account, a Google+ account, and other accounts on the social networks.

The question still stands: how can you get more customers?

Note: this article does not intend to diminish or put down any of the offline or online endeavors to promote one's business. Rather, it brings about an observation which is as pertinent as all the other means of advertising, if not more.

The Cheapest Way to Get More Customers!

Have you ever thought, What is the Cheapest Way for Your Business to Get More Customers? We don't pretend we know what it is, but according to our experience we have seen that this way simply is.... WOM - Word of Mouth!

You actually don't have to pay for it - your customers will "work for you" and promote you and your products / services if they love them!

If you have a good product which also has a great price, your customers will love it. But if the service you offer and the attitude of the sales consultant is friendly and helpful, the customer will love you!

You will not even have to tell him to recommend you to his friends - the impression he gets will pop up when he talks to his friends, and you will be recommended!

It is the same in online advertising, where the "word of mouth" is a bit more difficult to explain.

Some people prefer that people "talk about them" even if it is concerning something negative - "negative publicity still means advertising".

But what if you offer a bonus or a discount to a customer who orders the second or third time?

Without you even meeting him or physically talking to him, he will love you and he will recommend you to his friends and family!

The bottom line is this, Take Care of Your Customers, and they will work for you.

They will sing your praises, and you will be made known to their friends through them. Just... do what you do best - offer GOOD products, REASONABLE prices, and VERY GOOD customer service!

What do YOU think? What is the cheapest way to get more customers?

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