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this time cheaper energy saving solutions - some PIR detectors and time lag switches

  2010-02-20         admin         Product News » Lighting News
Part of the devices helping the endeavor of reducing the energy consumption, the PIRs - the occupancy detectors - allow the light to be on only when someone is in the room. Having a detection degree of 360 deg, the surface mounted PIRs are ideal for energy saving installations at the workplace, on the corridors, in the office, in the toilets, etc. Basically, wherever the light is not needed on + you don't want to switch it on every time you enter the room, you can install a Presence Detector. Take control of your lighting and reduce the energy consumption by using the PIR detectors! By using the PIR detectors, you save more than money!

On our website you can find both Energy Saving Solutions(like the photocells, the timers and thermostats, the time lag switches, the occupancy detectors and switches, etc) and Energy Saving Switches and Sockets(the Time Lag Switches) - some of which have a reduced price. Here is one of the PIR occupancy detector -

SLW360 - Cheaper Surface Mount Ceiling PIR Presence Detector

Other similar presence detectors - with slightly different properties - but with a reduced price just like the one above, are: