Did you know that warm air curtain heaters can provide energy savings for a retail shop, a trade shop, or other commercial applications? Whether you have a small or a larger door venue, the warm air curtain heaters from Dimplex can provide energy savings up to 30%!
We at Sparks sell a wide range of warm air curtain heaters including the Dimplex range, and based on the "Energy savings up to 30% when using the Dimplex Warm Air Curtain heaters" by Dimplex, we can provide you with more information on this!
The need to save energy and preserve our planet is all around us.
From our personal responsibility to conserve energy to our collective energies to lower our carbon footprint, the need to save energy has never been more compelling.
Dimplex air curtains have been designed with this in mind, delivering real energy savings with low levels of investment, they can and do contribute to lower running costs, greater energy efficiency, and a more comfortable environment, attributes appreciated in just about all commercial situations.
Savings all year round
Keeping HOT air in By fitting a Dimplex air curtain over frequently opening entrances, whole building heating costs can be reduced by up to 30% as a result of lower heat levels escaping the building.
Keeping COOLED air in
In the summertime when air conditioning is used to cool the building, a Dimplex air curtain used in ambient mode helps to maintain the cool interior climate from escaping the building cutting running costs and improving comfort levels.
Freedom of design
Reducing our energy use can often mean the need to change the way we live and work. Air curtains
facilitate the way we already work, allowing unhindered access just with added energy savings. In retail situations, the open door is a welcome to potential customers, in industrial situations frequently opening doors facilitate fast turn rounds for speedy deliveries, and in all buildings open doors can help accessibility for all.
Air Curtains in action
- Protects against costly heating or air conditioning escaping the building
- Maintaining comfort levels for staff and customers alike
- Safeguarding clear access in and out of the building
In many commercial environments, the mass movement of people and goods causes considerable energy losses through opening and closing doors, and it is here that effective air curtains can bring a significant reduction in carbon emissions by boosting the building’s energy efficiency. As the building retains more energy, its carbon emissions drop along with the requirement to buy carbon credits, helping to save running costs as well as the planet.
Six ways to improve your business efficiency with Warm Air Overdoor Heaters
- Increased Building Efficiency: Air curtains help cut carbon emissions by reducing energy loss from opening doors, increasing the whole building's efficiency.
- Reduced CRC Tax Burden: With efficient air curtain systems in place, carbon emissions are reduced and the tax burden on the business lowers as a result, helping ease the financial burden.
- Reduced Demand for Carbon Credits: With the air curtain contributing to a better carbon footprint, there is less demand to buy carbon credits, saving money.
- Increased User Comfort: By protecting occupants from cold draughts, a more comfortable environment will be provided with less reliance on occasional heaters, also cutting heating costs.
- Reduced Energy Bills: As the air curtain reduces building heat losses, a corresponding reduction in building HVAC running costs can be enjoyed, year after year.
- Optimized Operations: Air curtains can help busy entrances to work at optimum efficiency by avoiding the need to constantly open and close doors, speeding up critical operations.
Buy Dimplex Warm Air Door Heaters
Energy Savings – test proves
Many traditional air curtains in use today were installed when energy conservation was not a priority and do not have any ‘eco’ functionality. There is an increasing responsibility on the building owner/tenant to ensure the product used maximise carbon efficiency and minimizes running costs.
Dimplex air curtains are designed to meet this criteria.
Saving Energy
By careful installation of the air curtain to fit the open entrance width and height together with using the product’s thermostatic regulation to control its eco mode, this test proves how much energy can be saved in operation compared with a typical installation found on the retail high street.
Cutting Costs
As equipment running costs fall, so do the carbon emissions from the building as a whole. This test shows what is possible by selecting and fitting the correct air curtains.
By controlling the operation of the air curtain automatically according to the surrounding temperatures, the ‘eco’ air curtain makes a significant running cost saving over just a short ten-day test period. In time, these savings would make an important contribution to the carbon savings from the building.
Every Warm Air Overdoor Heater gives you energy savings as standard!
- Eco installation mode: Where appropriate Dimplex air curtains can be set to permanently consume up to 50% less energy for reduced running costs
- Thermostat regulation mode: No need for PWM systems that cost the earth. Thermostatic regulation fitted as standard (model specific) is the most cost-effective way to save energy. Switching heat in and out as conditions dictate without limiting performance.
- Dual door control: On double doors where one door remains closed the Dimplex 2m unit can switch off half the air curtain airstream over the closed door for further energy savings.
- Passive infra-red sensor mode: Control the air curtain using a PIR sensor and save energy whenever the air curtain is not needed. Another inexpensive solution from Dimplex.
- Interlocked installation mode: Connect to a compatible HVAC system and save up to 50% running costs as the air curtain modulates according to the HVAC system.
- Interlocked & eco mode: Run the air curtain in eco mode and link to the HVAC system to save up to 97% of running costs.
- Auto door sensor mode: Fitting a door contact to the air curtain electronics will bring auto operation and savings whenever the doors are closed.
- BMS: Connect to a full-function BMS system and control according to overall building energy management settings for greater savings.