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You are Invited to the DEVI Trade Day at Sparks Electrical on December 6th 2011

You are Invited to the DEVI Trade Day at Sparks Electrical on December 6th 2011

  2011-11-24         sparksdirect         Sparks Direct News » Sparks Updates
If you are reading this article - and to everyone out there, those near and far, Londoners and non-Londoners - you are invited to the DEVI Trade Day! A DEVI Sales Manager will be visiting Sparks Electrical on Tuesday, December 6th 2011 at 9.00AM - come and meet him to discuss your underfloor heating requirements! RVSP the event - and come visit us on the 6th!

What can you find out at the DEVI Trade Day?

  • You will see some product demonstrations on the day from the world's leading manufacturer!
  • The principle of the DEVImat underfloor heating system - how does it work - will be explained;
  • You will see the new thinner, cooler, and cheaper new DEVImat underfloor heating solutions;
  • You will be shown how things work with the new under floor DEVImats;
And... many many other things - bring your questions, enquiries, and requests!

Who is invited to the DEVI Trade Day at Sparks?

Everyone is invited! And by everyone we actually mean EVERY ONE! That is,
  • If you are a customer of ours, or maybe you never bought from us - you are invited!
  • If you live in Archway or North London or in London - you are invited to pop in and watch / ask / learn / have some tea and biscuits with us;
  • If you are our twitter follower and we say a "good morning" once in a while to you - or if you are just a "listening" twitter friend, you are invited!
  • If you are our Facebook friend or our fan on facebook for the Sparks Direct Electrical page - you are invited!
  • f you are regular customer, coming in every morning at 8.00am or right before closing time at 4.58pm - you are invited!
And... everyone else - you are invited to see the presentation!

You are invited to the DEVI Trade Day at Sparks!

Here's a picture of the poster announcing the DEVI Trade Day at Sparks Electrical on the 6th of December - right on the front door of our shop! You won't miss it if you're coming in or going out!

Buy DEVImats at Sparks