Hager Junction Boxes - the Main Features of a Hager Traditional Junction Box
Hager supplies three types of junction box: the Traditional junction box, the Downlighter junction box, and the Maintenance Free junction box. All the Hager junction boxes are compliant with the latest wiring regulations. These junction boxes are among the most popular electrical items in our showroom. The Hager traditional junction box in particular is manufactured with solid machined brass terminals. The slot terminals are ideal for taking spurs off uncut ring or loop circuit cables. Found on the Hager website at the Building Automation & Wiring Accessories / Wiring Accessories / Junction Boxes / Traditional Junction Box / Features section, the images below give us a graphical introduction to these most used junction boxes from Hager. Main Features of a Hager Traditional Junction Box Remember, the Hager Traditional junction boxes are manufactured with 3 and 4 terminal capacities, and the range is comprised of 6 different devices / ranges: J201, J301, J401, J601, J701 and J701/TB. 1. The Solid Brass Terminals - The solid brass terminals and screws are for excellent conductivity and positive clamping of conductors. 2. The Cable Entry - You have 4 optional cable entry points to help the installation easier. 3. The Large Capacity Slots - Large capacity slot terminals for unbroken ring circuit installations. More information - Extra Strong Terminals! - The Hager Traditional Junction Boxes have extra strong terminals to hold multiple conductors. You can purchase the Hager Traditional Junction boxes via the Electrical Items - Junction Boxes and Connectors section on our website, or view the presentation Hager makes to their Traditional Junction Boxes.Buy Junction Boxes at Sparks