Electrical Safety in the case of the Extension Leads
Can it be dangerous to use the extension leads? The use of extension leads can present the following dangers:- tripping or falling;
- cable damage due to wear, particularly where leads are walked over, flexed at a single point or stored badly;
- when the leads are fitted to the power tools, they can become tangled and one of the conductors may eventually fail, which could cause danger;
- a greater capacity for overloading circuits, which increases the risk of fire;
- Only use an extension lead which was bought ready assembled(don't try to assemble your own "extension lead");
- It is recommended that no extension lead be more than 15 metres in length;
- Only use extension leads fitted with suitably-insulated connectors and plugs. Never be tempted to join two lengths of flex by twisting the bared ends of wires together, even if you bind them with insulating tape;
- The extension lead should be positioned carefully to prevent any risk of damage to the cable;
- If the cable has to cross a pathway/a place where people walk, the risk of tripping and damage can be minimized by covering it with a rubber protector strip;
- Always check that the leads, the plugs and the sockets are undamaged;
- Always check that the extension lead plug contains a correctly-rated fuse for the equipment to be used;
- When a cable drum extension lead is in use, the cable must be completely unwound from the drum to avoid the cable overheating;
- Check that the cable has an earth wire if feeding Class I (metal-cored equipment). 2-core extension leads should not be used.
Electrical Safety in the case of the Adaptors
Multi-way adapters should not normally be used. If two appliances are regularly used from one power point, replace it with a double socket if possiblewhen an adapter is used with a number of plugs, the angle and weight of the assembly increases the stress on the socket contacts. There is also a danger of electrical overload as the combined loads may exceed the ratings of the socket-outlet. When circumstances require more connection points, a multi-way trailing socket with minimum cable length should be used, though care should be taken not to overload the unit.
ALWAYS take care of your safety when you deal with the electricity / electrical equipment / cables / connectors! Read more Tips for Electrical safety in the kitchen, Electrical Safety in the home(to be read before starting any electrical work), avoid the potential electrical hazards, electrical safety outdoors, etc. Though we have just a small selection of Cables and Connectors on our website(via the Electrical Items section), if you visit us in Archway at our Sparks & Lights showroom you can purchase more cables, extension leads, and adaptors.