Methods of Vandal Proofing: Tough Construction, Extreme Protection
The Vandals were, originally, an ancient Germanic tribe responsible for the sack of Rome in 455. Modern thought suggests that the Vandals might not have been all that destructive after all, or at least no more so than other invasion forces at the time - but the name remains in our vocabulary. Modern vandals are those people who would destroy or spoil living spaces, so in many cases, manufacturers have risen to the challenge and attempted to make vandal-proof fittings. The technology within gets better and better, but the general principles tend not to change. Vandal Proofing Strong, shatterproof materials are often used in vandal-proofing - polycarbonates are in particular rife. These materials are easily worked, molded, and thermoformed to the purpose, used both as body and diffuser in light fittings. This is a recent technology, and the chemical compounds tend to be trademarked. Elsewhere, tough metal construction is in favor, die-cast aluminum especially. The injection-molding process that makes these materials casts incredible tensile strength so whatever it is that's made with diecast aluminum can't be broken easily. It also has the aesthetic side-outcome of a particularly smooth finish.Vandal-proof Lights This is all well and good for fittings that can be torn and pulled apart, but what about the walls a luminaire sits on, or the surface-mounted door entry buzzer? Either the mounting bracket will be especially strong, or it will be flush mounted. ATMs are constructed so that they cannot easily be removed from the wall; vandal-resistant entry systems like ESP's offering follow this principle. Whether or not a small-V vandal can get their fingers around it, thick housing is in effect, and often an impact guard will be present too, like these strong bulkhead lights. Where are Vandal-Proof Fittings Used? Generally, these items are intended for "public service," that is, they are intended to be in the eye line of the general public and so appealing to vandals who are generally bored teenagers and disgruntled adults. Security cameras are probably the electrical items best suited for vandal-proofing, for fairly obvious reasons. But there are also light fittings for public spaces, usually outdoors for car parks and so on, but also for schools and parks. There aren't a great many vandal-proof items in our store, but there are more than enough to suit the needs of the everyday contractor. Should we offer more? Your opinions are more than welcome in the comments. Header image by nolifebeforecoffee (Creative Commons)