more about the MK Grid Plus Modular Switching System for Commercial Use
In the public, commercial, and domestic sectors sometimes there is the need not only for the classical single / twin / triple switches or sockets, but a "grid plate" with more than 3 gangs, where you can put your own switching modules. The people at MK have the MK Grid Plus Modular Switch System to help just with that - grid plates with 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, or more modules! This range is a comprehensive modular switching and monitoring system ideal for both domestic use and also for applications in the commercial or public sector. The cover plates in the Grid Plus incorporate all the design features of the Logic Plus range and more: they offer you the possibility of choosing your own modules with an extremely easy installation! Easy to Assemble Grid System The ease of installation and assembly is amazing - you have the box, the grid frame, the modules, and the front plate. The modules can be individually changed without the need of rewiring of complete assembly - simply by the removal of the front plate and the "clipping in" / "clipping out" as required. No need for special tools - the modules can be removed or replaced when the grid frame is already fixed in position! Features and Benefits Among the many features and benefits of the MK Grid Plus range are: Clip the grid modules fit to frame without the need for any special tools. Matching style with the Logic Plus plate - Grid Plus and Logic Plus look similar. Fully tested before delivery - the manufacturer guarantees 100% testing before delivery. Ease of installation, replacing, and removing even when the grid frame is fixed in position. Wide variety of modules, the switch modules being rated at 10 or 20 Amps. Dimmer modules: single or double dimmer modules are available. Up to 12 gang Logic Plus grid front-plates and up to 24 gang in decorative metal finish front plates. Backed out and captive terminal screws. No corrosion: the plated grid frame prevents corrosion. This article is inspired by the MK Grid Plus brochure the people at MK put out recently - take a look for more details. You can read more about the Grid Plus range (a previous article on our blog).MK Grid Plus at Sparks