Achieve a Linear Lighting Effect with LED Strips and Aluminium Profiles
Many of us love to install LED striplights around the home, and it is now possible to achieve a linear lighting effect with the FossLED Linear striplights together with the aluminium profile and the diffuser. Many times when we look at the picture of how an LED striplight looks when installed, we are amazed; however, after we purchase it and have it installed, we may not be that happy. One of the reasons is that the LED light is not linear but rather, there are dots. To solve this problem, FossLED now has the Linear LED Striplights (many of which are available at Sparks) to create a linear effect when having the LED strips installed. This article is inspired by the Linear Effect "how to" resource via FossLED here.How Dotting Happens and How to Achieve the Linear Lighting EffectThe way it works is that the lower the amount of LED chips per metre on a given LED strip, the more dots you will see, and the deeper the profile needs to be in order to achieve a linear lighting effect. How does "dotting" happen? Dotting, or the LED strips being seen as white dots instead of a linear lighting effect, happens quite often. The reason there are dots instead of a linear lighting effect is because there's a combination of a low amount of LED chips per metre and a shallow profile/channel used. The result is an undesirable dotted lighting effect. It is possible, however, to achieve the Linear Lighting effect! If you combine a high amount of LED chips per metre in an LED strip and use a shallow aluminium profile, the result is the desirable linear lighting effect. If you use, let's say, an LED striplight that has 280 LEDs per metre and put it in an LED profile of 7mm depth, what you will obtain is a great Linear Lighting effect. A linear lighting effect can also be achieved with a low amount of LED chips per metre but with a deeper profile. For example, using an LED striplight with 60 LEDs per metre with a profile depth of 20mm. Buy LED Striplights at SparksGuide to Obtaining a Linear Lighting Effect with FossLEDAt Sparks, we warmly recommend the LED strip lights, the LED channels (aluminium profiles), and the profile diffusers made by FossLED. They do a wide range of LED strips which, combined with a deeper or more shallow profile, can produce the result of achieving a linear lighting effect. For example, using a 10W/m LED strip (120 LEDs per metre) together with a 14mm deep aluminium profile, you can obtain the desired linear lighting effect. Similarly, using an LED strip with 196 LEDs per metre together with a 10mm deep LED profile (aluminium channel), the linear lighting effect can be produced. In order to achieve a no-dotted linear lighting effect within your LED strip installation, you can simply combine the appropriate LED strip, Aluminium Profile, and Diffuser. FossLED also does a range of Linear LED Striplights which can be installed in the aluminium profile you require to obtain a linear lighting effect. Conclusion: LED Strips, Aluminium Profile, and DiffusersIn conclusion, it is possible to get rid of the dotted lighting effect by either installing the LED striplight in a deeper channel and using a matt diffuser or by using the Linear LED striplights by FossLED with any kind of channel. You can find all the LED striplights from FossLED via our website, and the LED channels (aluminium channels).Buy LED Aluminium Channels Please note, due to the dimensions of these aluminium profiles, they are only for in-store collection in our lighting showroom. We can ship the LED striplights, but the channels need to be for in-store collection only. If you have a larger lighting project and require more specific information, do not hesitate to contact us, and our lighting specialists will advise.