NEW: USB Sockets from Heritage Brass in Flat, Stepped, and Raised Plate!
It's about time that Heritage Brass got in on this, and so they did - there's now a brand new range of USB socket wiring accessories available in the popular flat plate, stepped plate, and raised plate ranges! More and more what is needed is not only a regular double socket in a polished chrome flat plate or a twin socket with a stepped plate finish but a USB socket (or two USB sockets if possible) on a 2 gang regular 13A socket plate. They are becoming commonly used and installed in both public places such as universities, schools, trains, train stations, restaurants, etc and in more domestic environments, and with the rising of the number of gadgets we buy, use, and own, we can't keep carrying the charger with us - a simple USB cable will do the trick! Heritage Brass USB Sockets - Engraved USB Socket The Heritage Brass USB Sockets (also called, Engraved USB Sockets) complement the popular Elite Flat Plate, Elite Stepped Plate, and Victorian Elite (raised plate) ranges of sockets. They come in all the well-known finishes such as Polished Brass, Polished Chrome, Satin Chrome, Satin Brass, and Satin Nickel. Besides the 2 x 13A switched sockets (with white or black insert) on the plate there's a clear engraving: on the left it says TABLET and on the right it says PHONE. The TABLET USB socket is 2A rated and is ideal for any tablet battery charging (such as iPad, Samsung Tablet, Nexus, Sony tablets, etc). The PHONE USB socket is on the right and is 1A rated, being ideal for most smartphone charging (be it an iPhone or an Android phone). The clear engraving on the socket makes sure you won't mistake which USB socket to use when charging your Samsung Galaxy Tab or iPad (for example) or your iPhone (or Samsung Galaxy S6 for that matter, with that fast charging). USB Socket in the Elite Flat Plate range The Heritage Brass Elite Flat Plate range is famous for its choice of luxurious finishes designed to complement all types of installations and interior designs, combining style with elegance in one of the most extensive ranges of high quality flat plate electrical wiring accessories available. The USB sockets in the Elite flat plate range come with White or Black plastic inserts and use a regular 35mm back box. These USB engraved sockets complement the Elite flat plate range, coming in all the regular brass, chrome, and nickel finishes.Elite Flat Plate USB Sockets USB Sockets in the Stepped Elite range The Heritage Brass Elite Stepped plate is an elegant range featuring full plates with an attractive stepped edge and contemporary square profile. They are ultra-slim and are sometimes preferred to the flat plate range. The Stepped Plate USB sockets use a 35mm back-box and come in all the popular finishes (polished / satin chrome, brass, and nickel), with a choice of black or white plastic inserts. They fully comply with the relevant standards.Elite Stepped Plate USB Sockets USB Sockets in the Victorian Elite raised plate range If you prefer neither the stepped plate nor the flat plate, the 8mm projection "raised plate" in the Victorian Elite will definitely catch your attention. This is a most attractive range of plain raised plate wiring accessories designed by M-Marcus to complement the popular Elite Flat Plate ranges. The USB sockets in the Victorian Elite range feature a choice of elegant finishes like the polished brass, polished chrome, satin chrome, and satin nickel, and they can be used with 25mm shallow back boxes.Victorian Elite USB Sockets Where can you find the Heritage Brass USB Sockets? Just search for Heritage USB or simply USB sockets on our website and you will be presented with a wide choice of flat plate, raised plate, or stepped plate USB engraved sockets from M-Marcus.