It used to be that you have to invest a lot of money and do lots of research and marketing so that you may be connected with other people in your industry.
But nowadays the investment is minimum in terms of money yet maximum in terms of doing it properly, combining the online with the offline.
Especially when you have a business that is focused on material and physical products, even though you have an online store you still need to make sure you visit some lighting shows, trade shows, etc.
But we have discovered some ways to connect with electricians, contractors, manufacturers lighting suppliers and makers, etc via the social media!
Connect with Sparks via LinkedIn
You can find Sparks Electrical Wholesalers on LinkedIn with a basic profile. Some companies may invest in getting a premium profile, but the basic one is OK, even though it may limit you in the number of connections, adding people who are not connection-of-connection, etc.Still, there's a good conversation going on via the LED lighting groups, there are some requests and customers coming through it, and there's some good connections we established through LinkedIn.
If we are not yet connected via LinkedIn, visit us via, Sparks Electrical Wholsalers Ltd.
Twitter Following and Conversations
Our favourite network is twitter, where you can either broadcast what you have to say (in 140 characters or less) or you can engage in some really good conversations.Many times you don't get notified of the DM's, but with the RT's, hashtags, and interactions you can find some pretty interesting people in the electrical and lighting industry.
Find us at SparksDirect on Twitter, and if you're looking for Electricians and Electrical People, follow this list.
Circle Sparks on Google+
Note: google+ no longer exists, but when it did, we had a solid presence there.
Become a Fan of Sparks on Facebook
And if you are on Facebook, though very little value is added to the business through it, we have a Sparks Direct Electrical Facebook page.We can connect - like us, we usually add you back or return you the favor. Once or twice a day we will post something there for your delight and entertainment, and there are some of our customers + fans who are really interested in what we have to say, sometimes asking us questions or sharing our page.