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What is the Right Fire Alarm for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired?

What is the Right Fire Alarm for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired?

  2012-09-13         sparksdirect         Safety » Fire Safety

We've seen some very interesting yet wonderful things in our 22 years of experience as an electrical wholesaler.

One such particular thing sticks in our memory: a fire alarm that wakes people up simply by emitting the scent of wasabi, that extremely spicy green stuff you find in Japanese restaurants.

Strange, wonderful, and 100% true: this fire alarm won the Ig Nobel prize for chemistry last year.

The active ingredient in that horseradish-based sauce, allyl isothiocyanate, will irritate your nose even when you're asleep.

The device is intended for hearing-impaired users who might not be woken up by a more traditional fire alarm siren.

Really, we're wondering why nobody had thought of this before. A wasabi alarm will set you back 50,000 yen (about £400), but we can recommend a more affordable fire alarm for our deaf and hearing impaired customers both online and in our showroom.

The Aico Ei170RF comes with a high-intensity xenon strobe light, while the Ei171RF model also comes with a vibrating pad that can be placed underneath the pillow.

These alarms can be used as part of a wirelessly interconnected fire alarm system in conjunction with the RadioLINK protocol.

They are CE-marked and fully compliant with the BS 5839 code of practice.

In conclusion, why would you go so far as spending big money on a wasabi alarm when you can get some less expensive and more practical fire alarms for the hearing impaired?

Hearing Impaired Alarms at Sparks